Mapei Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Founded in Milan in 1937, MAPEI is a global leader in adhesives, sealants, and other specialty chemical products for the building & construction industry. The company stands upon rigorous research and innovation as the driving forces of its growth, channeling substantial investment into the R&D of practical, economical solutions and eco-sustainable products.
Among the 20 product lines that MAPEI group has, this year MAPEI Malaysia rolls out a new product line locally under the acoustic insulation. Residents in apartments and condominium blocks are potentially exposed to the invasion of impact noises from neighbours into their homes, causing physiological stress that affects their comfort and well-being.
MAPESILENT and MAPESONIC CR systems are quick and easy to install effective insulations against sound disturbances. The designs are tested to European standards for reducing the transmission of noise generated by footsteps, voices, and all sorts of sounds in buildings. They can also be applied for new construction or upgrading work in any building.
Both MAPESILENT and MAPESONIC will be proudly launched at ARCHIDEX Online 2021.