Smart Home Technology Paves the Way to Hassle-free Lifestyle

Discover the wonders of smart home technology innovations at ARCHIDEX.
Infinity Art Sdn Bhd’s marketing executive Terry Alh envisions seamless integration in the technology’s future that will enhance convenience and ease of installation.
“What we have revolutionised in the coming years is the ability to integrate the smart home technology into existing or new homes leveraging Bluetooth,” he said.
Meanwhile, Trusafe Smart Security Sdn Bhd sales consultant William Wong believes smart home technology is the future of home security, due to its added convenience.
“In the old days you make a phone call if things go wrong, but now it’s almost instant thanks to the Internet,” he said.
WNM Eshop Com Sdn Bhd marketing manager Janice Wong added that big data is also a significant part of smart home technology’s future.
“With big data you can now see the real time production of the solar panels and adjust consumption accordingly to save on expenses ,” she said.
Archtron Research & Development Sdn Bhd project sales executive Edward Tang opines that smart home technology in Malaysia is booming, and there is much room for improvement.
In the future, he expects more AI integration, as the technology rapidly advances.
“AI integration is an obvious route and we are integrating it as the technology evolves, he explained.