Exhibitor Access
Exhibitor Access
We are looking at ways to become more client-centric by introducing our new supporting communication tool β the ARCHIDEX CONNECT, which serves as an exhibitor portal. It is introduced here to help both Exhibitors and Organiser to keep paces with the rapid information and materials that has been exchanged in the course of doing the business together, such as operational matters, exhibitor guidelines, handbook or advertising, promotion and branding opportunities, etc. Along the way, we will inform or call for action from your side via notifications through this ARCHIDEX Connect. We shall do our level best to organise and analyse information submitted by your good organisation as to turn them into actionable information. In return, we would appreciate if you and your team will start to make full use of this new communication channel that will enhance both Exhibitors and Organiser communication faster and effectively.
Click the image above to access Archidex Connect
Exhibition Enquiry
If you are interested to exhibit, please click the button below to fill up the Exhibition Application Form and we will contact you shortly. Thank you.