A message from C.I.S President
Dato' Vincent Lim
We are deeply honoured to once again welcome our visitors and exhibitors in person to the 21st edition of ARCHIDEX at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre and ARCHIDEX Online.
ARCHIDEX is an important event in the trade calendar for every key stakeholder in the architecture, interior design, and building industry – serving as a platform to bridge professionals and the various representations of high-quality materials from Malaysia and the world, to discover, source, learn and network from.
As businesses continue to thrive and recover, we continue to offer a hybrid exhibition platform to become more agile by embracing new ways of working with technology. Beyond being an effective platform for the industry that features the latest products, trends, innovation alongside talks, discussions and industry updates, ARCHIDEX is a key multinational festivity that has made a come back after two years.
With us making a return to rebuild stronger businesses together, I wish all our loyal exhibitors, partners, delegates, trade visitors and industry specifiers and students a very warm welcome to ARCHIDEX 2022. Together, we can Build beyond tomorrow and push across boundaries into the future!