Versatile And Effective Fibre Cement


Stand No: 5L519

Fibre cement building solutions might be the answer to the issue of manpower shortages that many industries are struggling with.

Hume Cemboard Industries Sdn. Bhd (HCBI) proffers fiber cement as the solution. 

HCBI manufactures and distributes the PRIMABOARD family of products comprising cellulose fibre cement boards providing internal lining and external cladding solutions for residential, industrial, and commercial markets under the brand of PRIMA.

Apart from that, Hume Cemboard Industries Sdn. Bhd. is committed to expanding its Research and Development activities to improve and innovate new materials and products for future market requirements. It strives to achieve its vision of being a leading manufacturer and distributor of building materials in the Asia Pacific region.

“We are so encouraged by the energy and enthusiasm here at ARCHIDEX 2022, as people are eager to be back again after two years. And the industry is poised to bounce back stronger! This is certainly refreshing, after missing it for two years,” said Hume Cemboard Industries Head of Commercial Chua Keat Lee.